Driven by its pioneering spirit and its desire to provide the highest quality water possible, Organo has worked continuously to evolve its water treatment equipment and technologies. Refined over its history of 70+ years, Organo’s equipment and technologies meet and exceed the demanding water treatment chemistry requirements of boiling and pressurized water reactors at nuclear power plants, as well as fossil fuel power plants. Its sophisticated engineering and technologies deliver superior performance and water quality.
Condensate Filter: CF (BWR, PWR, Fossil)
- ● Hollow Fiber Filter – High iron removal efficiency
- ● Pleated Filter
Condensate Demineralizer: CD (BWR, PWR, Fossil)
- ● High Flow Velocity (Option)
- ● Anion Resin Underlay (Option)
Reactor Water Cleanup: RWCU (BWR)
- ● Filter / Demineralizer with powdered resin
- - High area flow rate design with IFD* at ABWR**
Fuel Pool Cleanup: FPC (BWR)
- ● Filter / Demineralizer with powdered resin
- High area flow rate design with IFD* at ABWR**
* Integrated Flow Distributor
**Advanced Boling Water Reactor
Makeup Water: MUW (BWR, PWR, Fossil)
- ●RO Seawater Desalination
- ●STRATA-GTM – Save regen time and consumption